Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Learning the Art of Not-Doing... An Ongoing Process

I've been feeling very unproductive lately... that is, compared to my usual level of energy and productivity. I've had to remind myself a number of times lately that I am a human "being" and not a human "doing" and that this is just a phase. Why is this a lesson that seems to come back to me over and over again, though? For many of my coaching clients as well, they seem to intertwine their self-worth with how many goals they've achieved and the number of "to-do"s checked off their lists.

Ironically, the topic of May's NEW Power Lunch is "Getting It All Done." The twist is -it's not about driving yourself harder to get more done. It's how we, as women, tend to take on the weight of the world sometimes when that responsibility just. isn't. ours. Period (Exclamation point!). Can you relate? If you're a woman living in or near Durango, how about joining me at the next Power Lunch on May 8th? We're going to have a great discussion about this whole topic.

I love these words of wisdom from poet and spiritual writer, Oriah Mountain Dreamer... they are especially hitting home with me this week:

"How do we find this marriage of ego and essence, this fully human life that is the reason we are here? Trying harder won't work. Doing more won't work. We are called to find ease, called to learn the art of not-doing. We are called to value the power of presence more than we value the presence of power. There is only one time and one place and time in which the sacred marriage of our essence and our ego can happen, only one place and time in which we can fulfill our purpose to be fully and consciously in a human life: here and now."

How about giving yourself full permission to embrace the present and the gifts it has to offer? And remember, the weight of the world doesn't rest on your shoulders alone. The "to-do"s that didn't get done today can wait until tomorrow. Take in what today brings you, and know that tomorrow is never very far away.

Have a great rest of your week!

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